A Book Recommendation System trained on Goodreads book dataset.
A user simply after signup logins and rate some book based on rated books recommendations are given.Also user can save a book for later.
Tech Stack : Keras, Tensorflow, Django, Html, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Heroku, Ajax
Health Care Portal.
A Platform to Connect Doctors, Patients and Hospitals with each other.
A Patient can search a doctor schedule appointment do payment for same.A docotr can accept and reject appointment also attach prescription.
Tech Stack : Djnago, SQL db, Html, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
View ProjectAn Online Platform where you simply draw node diagram of table that you want to create and in output you would get MySQL code for table creation.
Tech Stack : ReactJS, Html, CSS, Django, React-Bootstrap.
View ProjectOfficial website of Association of Computer Engineering Students (ACES) at Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishthan's, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi (Department Computer Engineering)
Tech Stack : Html, CSS, Javascript, Firebase
View ProjectA web app which recognise the number drawn by user on screen.The aim was to make a CNN to recognise handwritten digits by training the model on MNIST dataset available in keras.
Tech Stack : Keras ,Tensorflow.js ,Html, CSS, Javascript, GitHub pages.
View Project